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Touch the Sky: Shari Brownfield Fine Art

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

Pablo Picasso

These are strange times we are living through.  I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and well despite the circumstances that we find ourselves in.  I was overwhelmed the last few weeks and personally checked out.  I found my only escape in art and in Mother Nature. 

The arts are one of the few things that allow us to mentally escape our current reality of self isolation and physical distancing.  So, I hope to help you get out of your head a little and into the clouds with this online exhibition of paintings and works on paper inspired by the great outdoors and our natural world.

Featured artists include Wolf Kahn,  Andy Warhol,
Milton AverySean Cavanaugh and Pamela Gibson.

 I would truly love to hear how you are faring at this time and what is keeping you strong.  I also want to wish you a very happy Passover to those celebrating, and a wonderful Easter ahead.  Be well, stay healthy, and keep your spirits high.  We do have many good things to look forward to when this is all done....

Shari Brownfield

December 2

Something Worth Remembering: A Solo Exhibition by Pamela Gibson

July 16

Liminal Spaces: Shari Brownfield Fine Art